Executive Board Meeting, October 2019, Tromso Norway
In early October the MESI-STRAT executive board met in the far North of Europe. The executive board consists of all work package leaders, the strategic board, as well as the chairpersons of the dissemination/exploitation and the gender committees. The main role of the exec-utive board in MESI-STRAT is to oversee the operational work of the consortium and to identify deviations from the project plan. The meeting was kindly hosted by our partner the University of Tromso (UiT) and took place at the beautiful Sommaroy Island, just outside of Tromso, Norway. For two days, we evaluated the progress so far and made preparations for important deliverables and mile-stones due in 2020. Our strategy and action plan was further developed to coordinate the detailed steps to be taken by experimentalists, modelers, data scientists, and clinicians. It will enable smooth interaction of all partners and the timely achievement of our goals.
Meeting Agenda
The MESI-STRAT executive board during its meeting in Norway, host-ed by our partner University of Tromso (UiT). We had fruitful discussions
to further develop our strategy plan.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754688.