The following clinical trials have been conducted under MESI-STRAT. After the embargo period of 3 years ending on October 1 2026, requests for data access can be submitted to which will be evaluated by the MESI-STRAT board.

Trial numberTrial nameTrial identifier and linkNumber of patientsVariablesData types
6.1Risk Detection Trialn.a.243High risk (118 patients) versus low risk (125 patients)Metabolomics; Serum measurements
6.2Relapse Detection Trialn.a.204Relapse (107 patients) versus without relapse (97 patients)Metabolomics; Serum measurements
6.3Relapse Prediction Trialn.a.263Relapse/Metastasis (88 patients) versus without relapse/metastasis (175 patients); measured at diagnosisMetabolomics; Serum measurements
7.2Prospective Window Of Opportunity Trial (WOO2)EudraCT number 2020-003960-22
56Before and after 3 weeks of neoadjuvant anastrozole treatmentMetabolomics; Serum measurements; Transcriptomics; Tissue measurements
7.3Endocrine Therapy Termination (ETT)n.a.203 (at diagnosis)1178 longitudinally collected samples at diagnosis, before end of endocrine therapy, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and 4 years after end of endocrine therapyMetabolomics; Serum measurements